Sunday, March 2, 2008


It's everywhere.

I'm not sure it's right to call it dust. It's this layer of powder that settles on everything, in everything. It's white, except when I spray it and wipe it, it's dark grey.

I guess it's going to be my friend for the next couple of months.

I'm hoping the worst of it is from them breaking up the concrete slab, which happened last week, but I know there's be plenty more when they get to the drywall phase.

They got rid of all the debris, and they have put in the rough framing of the spaces. The closet is smaller than I imagined. It's going to be a good size to store all my clothes, but I don't think it'll end up being a dressing room. It's still hard to judge.

Anyway, it's exciting to see the space actually laid out after just one week. Still a long way to go.

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