Friday, January 18, 2008

A tough choice

I woke up at 4:30 this morning; it's not the first time I've lost sleep since the remodel process has started moving forward.

Unable to get back to sleep, I got up and dashed off an email to Kevin. (I keep referring to him as "my contractor," but perhaps it's time to start using his actual name.) He had emailed me to tell me that the electric tankless hot water heater wouldn't be adequate to do the job. So I wrote that I might want to think about scaling back on my plan. I'm thinking I might have to give up the two Water Tiles and just go with the single showerhead plus the handheld. Even that might require enhancing my hot water service, but I'm hoping it can be done much cheaper than the full deal. He's supposed to get back to me and let me know.

I hate to lose that. The whole spa shower idea was so appealing to me, but to spend at least $7000 just for two body jets in my shower is hard to justify.

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