Thursday, November 20, 2008

End result

It's November. No, it didn't take that long to finish, just for me to get around to taking photos and posting them. Here's the end result.


Anonymous said...

I love, love, love how your space turned out! Couple questions - are you happy with the quality of your bedroom furniture? Are you glad you went with the closet option that you did?

Lane said...

Thank you, I love the space as well.

The closet option I chose was a compromise; it's not exactly what I wanted, but for the price and flexibility, it was a better option. It seems to be well-made and sturdy. Ideally, I would have found something similar in a different finish.

The bedroom furniture is great! The quality feels higher than the cost would lead me to expect, and I am very happy with how it looks.

If I were to change one thing, it would be the bathroom sink. I love the look, but it's not as practical as I would like having such a large, shallow sink in this bathroom.